This site is dedicated to issues relating to Wills & Trust in Singapore and is owned and managed by W.M. Low & Partners, a firm of solicitors practising in Singapore, established since 1994. It includes an online form for the submission of Wills drafting & Probate application instructions. This online service has been available since 2005. We charge $180/- for a simple Will signed at our office during office hours. We provide two witnesses (both senior lawyers or one senior lawyer and one paralegal). For Wills with more scenarios, the charges are higher. Our charges for obtaining a Grant of Probate starts from $1200/-.
Just call us. We can answer all your questions
+65 6534 1328

Our Will drafters are legally qualified persons ie qualified lawyers with practicing certificates. (more than 24 years experience, including work experience in their previous firms). Although a Will need not be drafted by a lawyer, it is always prudent to engage a lawyer to do so. To engage an unqualified person to do so is tantamount to engaging a non surgeon to do your surgery. Our lawyers have litigation experience which other unqualified persons do not.
Furthermore, an unqualified person is not subject to the rules of confidentiality or privilege. It is also illegal under the Legal Professional Act for unqualified persons to charge for legal services.
Instructions may be given to us online or in person. You may choose to attend at our office or request for our solicitors to attend at the convenience and privacy of your home or office for execution. Please procced to Online Form
Why does one need to make a Will? The necessity depends on one’s needs. If you do not have any assets or dependants, there may not be a need to make a Will.
However, if you own assets and do not make a Will, the assets will be divided in accordance with the laws of intestacy. If you are happy with the division under the laws of intestacy, and do not wish to specifically appoint anyone as Executor and/or provide for special distribution between your loved ones or to appoint a guardian for your children, you can get by without the making of a Will.
Some issues to note before approaching your solicitors to draft your Will.
- Choose & Identify your Executor(s). Is there an alternative Executor(s) named;
- List out your Assets & Estimate the total;
- List out your Liabilities & Estimate the total;
- Consider whether you require a Guardian for your minor children;
- Consider whether you require a trust for your children during their minority;
- Identify the needs of each one of your beneficiaries;
- Whether you wish to state your preference for a burial or a cremation;
- Whether you wish to specifically exclude any particular person or devise a specific gift to an individual or even to a charitable or specified organisation;
Whether you think that your Will is likely to be challenged in Court after your death (foreseeable if the estate is large) and to make an adequate preparation with competent advice from solicitors familiar with estate laws.
Whether you require your estate to be managed by professional trustees.
Whether you require your spouse to do a similar Will which cannot be varied without your consent eg. Mutual Wills.
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Advantages of Making a Will
There are of course various advantages in making a Will. You can appoint an Executor or Executors of your choice. The beneficiaries need not be left with the task of deciding whom amongst them ought to be appointed as the Administrator of your estate, and have a potential problem on this issue. You can also choose to give specific gifts to certain loved ones and select an appropriate person to act as the guardian of your minor children.
You may also create a trust for your children. In some instances, the making of a Will avoids unjust distribution eg such as in the event a married couple meets with an accident and passes away at the same time.
There is also less documentation and a simpler Court procedure to obtain a Grant of Probate (when there is a Will) as compared to a Grant of Letters of Administration (when there is no Will). More importantly, the making of a Will shows planning in your life and your love for your dependant loved ones in the eventuality of your death. It is also not morbid to make your Will early, but would clearly be unwise to leave it too late.
Brief comments on some Relevant Statutes:
- The Wills Act (Cap 352)
- The Probate & Administration Act (Cap 251)
- The Intestate Succession Act (Cap 146)
- The Inheritance (Family Provision) Act (Cap 138)
- The Trustees Act (Cap 137)
Just call us. We can answer all your questions
+65 6534 1328
Operating Hours: – Monday – Friday: 9am-5.30pm